New! You can now create a 3D video comparing all competitors in an orienteering competition or a mountain running competition. It's online and free. Try it here!
What you can do with HikeMap application?
Suppose you have a paper map and you want to know your live position on it. Just take a picture with your phone and you can do the rest with the HikeMap app.
You can georeference any custom map by selecting two points on the satellite map and two points on your map, by satellite image or by GPX route.
You can record your route on any kind of map, you can share a photo or video with your route
Check the correctness of a map, if it matches the ground features
Record a history of your routes and apply the route to any map
Open the map from an online map collection
Use offline satellite image map to record your route
How to generate your own 3D hiking map?
From the "Maps->Generic maps" menu, open the selection screen.
Select the area where you want to generate the map by dragging the red dots and zooming in on the satellite map.
Choose the type of map by clicking on the OpenStreetMap icon then tap the "Generate" button.
Wait until the map downloads and the hiking trails are drawn.
After you have the map in 2D mode, go to the 3D "View->Get Elevation" menu.
Once you have the elevation data for the map, you can open it in 3D mode.
Now you can draw the contour lines on the map by choosing the menu "Contour lines -> Draw on map".
How to create a video with several routes from an orienteering competition?
Load the GPX files into the HikeMap application.
Georeference the map from the contest.
Rename the loaded routes with the name of each competitor.
Add each route to the current map for comparison.
Generate a video comparing the position and time of each competitor.
More details here.
How to generate contour lines for orientation map?
First, an empty map must be generated for the area where you want contour lines(Menu->Georeference->Generate Empty map)
Alternatively, you can georeference an existing map from an image(Menu->Georeference->New map from image)
The next step is the generation of contour lines for the current map(Menu->Contour lines->Generate for this map)
This step must be paid because multiple queries are made to the Google Elevation API
The resulting image can be exported to the phone's image gallery.(Menu->Maps->Export map to Gallery)
It is possible that the situation on the ground and the one on the map do not match in detail
How to record your route at an orienteering competition?
Open the HikeMap application. Long press the recording button at the starting point.
At the arrival point, long press the stop button
Take a picture with your phone of the map you ran on.
Georeference the map (Menu->Georeference->New map from image). Choose two points on your map and two corresponding points on the Google map. Apply changes
Generate an image with your route on the map (Menu->Route tracking->Share->Share image)
Generate a video with your route on the map (Menu->Route tracking->Share->Generate video)
How to generate a video of your mountain route?
Before setting off, you must generate a static satellite map with the area where you want to go (Menu->Georeference->Generate empty map)
At the start and at the end, press and hold the recording button to start or stop recording the route.
During the hike you can take pictures from the application and they will be incorporated into the final video.
At the end of the hike, generate the video with your route (Menu->Route tracking->Share->Generate video)